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The Ghana School of Biblical Studies is located in Aboaso, Ghana which is just outside the city of Kumasi. Kumasi is the second largest city in the country of Ghana with over 2 million people. There are over 25 million people in a country of 92,098 square miles. By comparison, the state of Missouri has a population of over 6 million while being 69,706 square miles.
The campus is has three buildings on it. The main building holds the classroom, dorms, kitchen, dining hall, and restrooms. Another building has a guest quarters for visitors to stay in. The third building is a staff room for staff members to live in during school. As seen to the right the campus is completely walled for security.
Security Wall
The classroom is equipped with nice desks and chairs. Chapel is also held in the classroom in the mornings. There are two main classes each week-day.
The school has a growing library with about 400 books in it. There are commentaries, dictionaries, and study books for many topics. Students are able to use these books to help them in their studies outside the classroom.
There are five dorm rooms which can house eighteen students. The dorms have beds mosquito nets and dressers for storage.
The dining hall where all meals are eaten. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all served everyday at the appropriate times.
Dining Hall
There is a lounge room for breaks and relaxing in between studying. There are couches and a TV in this room.


Williams Benjamin Anarfi saw an advertisement for the Memphis School of Preaching in the United States. He contacted Curtis Cates, the director of the school at the time, about coming to train in America. Brother Cates gave Williams’ name to Jerry Sullins who was the director of the Botswana School of Biblical studies (now the Zambia School of Biblical Studies) in Africa. Williams was flown from Ghana to Botswana where he successfully completed the two-year preacher training program there. During his training in Botswana, Ray Sullins was one of Williams’ instructors.

Upon his graduation in 1994, he returned to continue the work he had already started in Ghana. He has been working very diligently to evangelize and plant churches for over 20 years in Offinso and Kumasi. Two other men from Ghana, James Acheampong and Samuel Amponsah, trained at the Zambia School of Biblical Studies and graduated in 2003. Upon their graduation, they returned to Ghana to begin helping in the efforts already started by Williams Anarfi.

These men had a great zeal for God and for spreading the gospel. Seeing the need to have trained preachers in area congregations that had been planted, these men started a Saturday school called the Ghana Institute of Christian Studies in 2004. Since its beginning, over 75 men have graduated from this training program to work as gospel preachers. The main work in Ghana is being done on a daily basis by these men who are preaching throughout Ghana.

Ray Sullins and Brent Green (along with others) began making trips to Ghana in 2000 to help out Williams and the brethren in Ghana in their efforts to spread the gospel, strengthen the church, and train faithful men to preach the gospel.

The Ghana Institute of Christian Studies has continued its classes on Saturdays since 2004. Their motto has been “Convert, Train, and Convert Together,” taken from the sentiments of Paul when he said, “Commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). Without trained, faithful men, the welfare of the church would soon begin to wane.

Since the school began in 2004, there have been over 75 men who have graduated from this Saturday school. Williams Anarfi, James Acheampong, and Samuel Amponsah taught these students every Saturday through 2016. This training gave these men enough biblical knowledge to do the work of evangelists (2 Tim. 4:5). Because of this school, trained preachers have been placed in planted churches throughout Ghana.

The desire for many years was for the Ghana Institute of Christian Studies to become a full-time (Monday-Friday) school for training preachers. It was realized that having a full-time school (like the Zambia School of Biblical Studies) would only better and more fully equip these men before they went out to preach and teach. Furthermore, the churches would be greatly strengthened by having men who better understood the Scriptures because full-time operation would increase the instructional hours five-fold. In turn, this would produce stronger graduates who would be better equipped to deal with the issues that the church in Ghana is facing. The future strength of the church in Ghana depends upon the strength of its preachers. The more training a man has, the better equipped he will be in the truth.

For this reason, in January 2017 a full-time school of preaching was started in Aboaso, Ghana (just outside of Kumasi). The name of this school is the Missouri Institute of Biblical Studies Ghana. God has blessed us to be a part of such a great work in His kingdom. Our goal is to train men to preach the gospel throughout Africa so that the boarders of His kingdom might be increased. Thanks be to God for blessing this work!


Williams Anarfi, director and instructor, is married to Josephine and are blessed with six children, three sons, and three daughters. He was born at Ejura in the Ashanti region of Ghana, May 25, 1951. He graduated from the Botswana School of Biblical Studies in Botswana and received an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies in 1994. He preached for the New Offinso church of Christ in New Offinso, Ghana. He later preached for the Old Tafo church of Christ in Kumasi, Ghana. He now works full time with the school as the director and an instructor.
Williams Anarfi
James Acheampong, instructor, was born at Offinso in 1972. He is married with two chidren. He was a graduate of the Zambia school of Biblical Studies in 2003 and received an Associates Degree in Biblical Studies. He returned to Ghana in November of 2003 and began working with the Afrancho church of Christ and began working with Williams Anarfi at the Ghana Institute of Christian Studies. He now works with the Missouri Institute of Biblical Studies Ghana as a full time instructor, but still preaches for the Afrancho congregation.
James Acheampong
Henry Owusu, instructor, born in 1981 in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, is a devoted family man, and preacher. Graduating from the part-time preaching school in 2005 and the full-time school in 2017, Henry's journey has been one of commitment and faith. Married with four children, he spent 15 years preaching for the Abofour church of Christ from 2007 to 2022 and now leads the Old Tafo congregation from 2022 onward. His life is a testament that He is a godly man and spiritually dedicated to the service of others and the word of God.
Henry Owusu
Festus Krumah, instructor, born in 1989 in the Ashanti Region, Ghana, embraces his role with passion and purpose. Married and currently savoring the joys of family life, Festus, while yet to welcome children, finds fulfillment in his work as a preacher and instructor. He holds a High National Diploma and proudly graduated from the Missouri Institute of Biblical Studies Ghana in 2020. Festus encapsulates his commitment to his work with a powerful declaration: "We will never quit preaching." He has been preaching for the Aboaso 2 church of Christ since 2019. His life reflects not only a commitment to service but also a positive outlook on the work for the kingdom of God.
Festus Krumah