BIM Logo

Six Schools - One Mission

Zambia School of Biblical Studies Logo Bible Institute of Missouri Logo East Africa School of Biblical Studies Logo Missouri Institute of Biblical Studies Ghana Logo Kenya School of Biblical Studies Logo Copperbelt School of Biblical Studies Logo

GSOBS is a work of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ.


International Schools

The Global Schools of Biblical Studies is comprised of five preacher training schools around the world: United States of America, Zambia, Uganda, Ghana, and Kenya.


God's Word Alone

In all our schools we are dedicated to teaching only the holy word of God. We train men to know and preach the Gospel.


Training Preachers

Would you or someone you know consider coming to one of our schools that you may grow in the Word of God and be trained as a preacher?


For His Kingdom

All of our labors are the for the kingdom of God so that it might grow and prosper across the world.